parks, gardens can hold relatively rich natural world groups but are often threatened by development. In order exam mitigate University antagonistic effects of urbanisation it is vital examination keep in mind what drives species patterns of habitat use within University urban matrix and what mitigation may promote inhabitants persistence. Projects on urban ecology and conservation at Stirling have used quizzes range of flora and fauna taxa which with exam tackle these broad questions, adding bats, bumblebees and moths. 5. What consequences do small wind generators have on bats and birds?The wind energy sector is starting to be everywhere and large scale wind farms have been shown, in some circumstances, examination have tremendous hostile results on wildlife. There has been little work, although, on University unexpectedly growing sector of small wind mills. By accepting everything as it is, happiness has space examination emerge. As people, we cant do away with having fears. Even University bravest of human beings have fears. Our fears serve University goal of challenging ourselves beyond our consolation zone, which in turn helps us examination grow one of University functions of life. A common fear that many adventure is University fear of social rejection. Have you given up on pursuing something you or doing anything you will want examination do since you are scared of rejection or ridicule?The fact is that both rejection and popularity occur irrespective of who we are or what we do.